come visit bricolag(e)able and venn apparel at renegade's holiday sale next weekend! we are booth #33 - and remember, it's at the concourse center this time NOT fort mason!
thanks to everyone who came out to root division's holiday sale last night! it was a blast and a nice way to gear up for renegade next weekend and allowed me to make another donation to which is going to be doubled thanks to some generous sponsorship- horray!
renegade was amazing and exhausting. 2 days surrounded by creative people and many, many cute dogs! hopefully we will come back at christmas for the holiday fair. now i'm in post renegade clean-up mode and slowly posting my remaining inventory on etsy.
i found this on my never ending hunt for 1/2" double fold organic cotton bias tape that i won't have to dye myself (i.e.not cream). while the search continues i found this great tutorial by erin compton design on how to make you own tape withithout having to sew a million of those dyslexia inducing bias seams! thank you, you brilliant woman!
where does the time go!? renegade is 11 days away and i am gearing up for elf-mode overdrive - so much to do! i'm beyond excited to have myself planted amongst 200+ vendors for two days and trying to warm up those self control muscles that will hopefully keep me from immediately spending all the money i make;) come visit me and venn apparel at booth #158 (far left aisle- middle of the first cluster on the right)
Monday, July 19, 2010
capsule was a blast aside from the display-destroying wind gusts every few minutes;) got to drink wonderful free coffee from the lovely folks at the bicycle coffee company who were sharing our booth- yummm.
i am an unabashedly compulsive crafter with an underutilized degree in history and an oddly applied degree in fashion design. the two intermingle on the topic of sustainable design as i spend almost as much time researching materials as i do using them. current obsessions include plant derived textile dyes, my garden (in which i am attempting to grow said dye plants) and my spinning wheel.