finally! got around to restoring our new/old end tables and coffee table (inspired by the arrival of my beeeeeeeautiful spinning wheel which my honey got me for my birthday - love, love, love i am i) decided that if i needed to stain the wheel before putting it together i should do all the stinky tasks at once. so, windows open i took stock (read: pictures) and gathered my supplies:
1) howards restor-a-finish
2) gloves
3) steel wool 0000 super fine
4) scrap cotton jersey cloth
5) optional drop cloth -i put down an old nasty rug but didn't end up needing it
6) face mask - i didn't use one but i had a whole wall of windows open - the stuff smelt like strong nail polish remover and was gross but not gross enough to motivate a trip to the garage to dig around for a mask
7) i had a little container on hand to pour the restore-a-finish into but ended up just tipping it directly onto the steel wool instead
#1 the coffee table - 30-40minutes
loads of water stains, scratches, dents and a few chips. since i've never refinished anything before i decided to start small and try the restore-a-finish before attempting any of methods i found on the internet (e.g. mixing cigarette ash and mineral spirits, or maybe oil and rubbing it all over, stripping off the old finish with crazy chemical strippers etc.)
#2 end table one: before
#3 end table two: before
after :
omg!! are you kidding me! your blog is amazing!!!! and thanks for the props-