i've actually been finishing some things this month! (i think it is an adverse, though productive, byproduct of my birthday)..made a lamp shade out of old x-rays,
a drumstick case for my sweetheart, 
dyed some recycled merino wool and cashmere with quebacho and logwood plant dyes,
spun up the roving i dyed this summer and spun up all 'loosey goosey',
made some pin cushions, and of course, pillows.

Oh I adore everything! And do not sell your beautiful yarn short! Yarn is an art in itself and nobody spins the same, even if we all take on the same style of spinning. What a boring world if we all were the same don't you think? :0) Keep up the practice- but save the first yarns, later you will wish you could spin more thick and thin- hard to go back!!! Smooches from the sheep!